Privacy policy

Compliance with laws and regulations for the personal information protection

welzo Co. Ltd. (hereinafter: our company) will strictly handle personal information that we collected in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulation.

Personal information that we collect

  • Contact information of customer such as: name, address, telephone number, email address (hereinafter: customer information)
  • Delivery information such as: name, telephone number (hereinafter: delivery information)
  • Customer order history

Using purpose of personal information

Our company uses personal information only for the following purposes:

  • Use customer information for confirming customer's order.
  • Use delivery information and customer information for deliver product.
  • Use customer information and customer order history for announcement about campaigns, products or services.
  • Use customer information and customer order history for marketing analysis in order to improve services of our company.
  • Use delivery information and customer information to respond to customer request.

Management of personal information

Our company will manages personal information by the following system:

  • Establishing internal system, information processing environment and employee training for strictly handling and protection of personal information.
  • Endeavoring to prevent and correct risk of loss, damage and leakage of personal information due to unauthorized access, alteration or lost. Taking appropriate and necessary safety countermeasures to protect entrusted personal information.
  • Using personal information only in appropriate business scope and by required employees.
  • Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology on our company sites to ensure the secure transmission of any personal information you provide while using our website.
  • Removing personal information after a certain period of time on the preconditions that there is no trouble to our customer.

Provision of personal information to third parties

There are cases that our company outsource the processing of personal information for product delivery. In that cases, only companies have sufficient privacy policy will be selected and we will conduct necessary treatment like conclude agreement on protection of personal information.

Disclosure of personal information

Our company, as a general rule, does not provide any third party with any customer's personal information without the consent of such customer. However, the following cases may be excepted:

  • There is a request from public institutions such as the police or the courts on the basis of the laws and regulations.
  • There is a special provision of the law.
  • There is a risk to life, body and property of customers or third party, but it is not possible to obtain the consent of the customers.
  • There is needed to defend or protect our right, property or services from action contrary to the terms of use or the laws, but it is not possible to obtain the consent of the person.

Inquiries regarding privacy policy

Please contact the following for inquiries ragarding privacy policy of our company.
Admistrative division, welzo Co. Ltd.

Modifications to privacy policy

In order to strengthen the management of personal information, we will promote improvement of privacy policy from time to time. Upon improvement, there are cases that the privacy policy is changed without any prior notice.